Asked whom they considered their strongest competitor, Asha said, “It was Gurmeet and Debina. Rithvik and Asha’s choreographers Vibhav and Bhavana were also awarded Rs 5 lakh. The couple bagged the ‘Nach Baliye’ trophy along with Rs 35 lakh, a trip to Australia and a high end car after beating the likes of -Debina Bonnerjee, Vinod Thakur-Raksha Thakur and Ripudaman Handa-Shivangi Verma. They impressed judges – Shilpa Shetty, Terrence Lewis and Sajid Khan – with their consistent perform aces and out-of-the box ideas on every episode. We have covered almost every dance form on the show and once got injured also during our performance,” Rithvik told PTI. We always wanted to win the show and really worked hard for it. Rithvik, 25, who always surprised his fans with his breathtaking performances along with Asha, said they always wanted to win the show and worked hard for it “Honestly, from the beginning we kept in the mind that we have to give our best performance. Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah Naat Mp3 Free Download In Arabic.

After weeks of hard work, TV actor and partner won the sixth season of the celebrity dance reality show ‘Nach Baliye’.